Protecting Yourself from Burglary Charges in Arizona

Defending Against Arizona Burglary Charges

Getting charged with burglary is a serious offense, and if you don't have a good defense strategy, you could be facing significant penalties. Burglary can be classified as a felony charge in Arizona, and if you're convicted, you could spend years in prison.

Understanding Burglary Charges

Before discussing how to defend against burglary charges, it's essential to understand this crime. Burglary charges aren't limited to breaking into someone's home. In Arizona, burglary also includes unlawfully entering a structure with the intent to commit theft or any other felony offense. For example, if you entered a store intending to steal merchandise after hours, you could be facing burglary charges.

Defenses Against Burglary Charges

If you've been charged with burglary, it's crucial to begin working on your defense strategy as soon as possible. Here are some defenses your attorney may use to fight the charges:

1. Lack of Intent

One of the most common defenses against burglary charges is proving that you didn't have the intent to commit a crime. If you entered a house or structure, but you didn't have the intention of stealing anything, your attorney could use this as a defense. For instance, if you wandered into a house thinking it was a friend's place, but you had no intention of stealing anything, this could be an excellent defense strategy.

2. Consent

If the alleged victim gave you permission or consent to enter their home or property, you might have a valid defense. For example, if you entered a friend's house with their consent, you cannot be charged with burglary.

3. Mistaken Belief in Ownership

If you've broken into a structure, but you mistakenly believed that you had a right to enter the property, this could be a valid defense. For instance, if you broke into a house that you believed was abandoned, but it was merely unoccupied, your attorney could argue that you had a mistaken belief of ownership.

4. False Accusations or Identity

If someone falsely accuses you of burglary, or if you were at the wrong place at the wrong time, your attorney could use this as a valid defense strategy. Additionally, if the police arrested you on suspicion of burglary, but they had the wrong person, this could also be a strong defense.

5. Inaccurate or Insufficient Evidence

Prosecutors have the burden of proof, and if the evidence against you is insufficient or inaccurate, your attorney could use this to get your charges dropped. For instance, if the prosecution doesn't have enough evidence to prove that you intended to commit a crime, they may have to drop the charges.

6. Duress or Coercion

If someone coerced or forced you into committing burglary, this defense strategy could be effective. For example, if someone threatened to harm you or your loved ones if you didn't break into a structure, your attorney could argue that you acted out of duress.

7. Entrapment

If law enforcement officers coerced you into committing burglary, this could be a valid defense. Entrapment refers to a situation where law enforcement officers induce someone to commit a crime they wouldn't have otherwise committed.

Get Help With Your Defense

If you're facing burglary charges in Arizona, you must work with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Your attorney can review the charges against you and help you come up with a defense strategy that will give you the best chance of avoiding a conviction.


Getting charged with burglary is a serious offense, and if you're convicted, you could be facing years in prison. However, with the right defense strategy, you could get the charges dropped or reduce the penalties. Work with an experienced defense attorney to develop the best defense strategy for your case.

Arizona Burglary Charges Defenses.
